I love me some Play-Doh, that's for sure. And no, I'm not a child, but there's something therapeutic about playing with it!
I have a lot of kinder and 1st grade friends that have just play-doh mats and cut outs, which is fine, but now they have the CC pressure and it's seen as just 'playing around'. Even though it helps with motor skills and all that goodness ;) We can fix that! Insert educational fun play-doh mats!
These can be used through out the year. There are letters, numbers, words, math practice, and spelling practice. Even a mat to spell out their name!
If you're working on letters, pull these babies on out.
Need to focus on counting? The kiddos add play-doh pieces to the picture.

Kids need to work on spelling? No problem!
Here's a look at some of the pages printed out! Just need to laminate and they are ready to go :)
Click the button! Or click here!
Hi, I've been subbing for 7 years and just now decided to look for a "sub blog." It's nice to see you post the issues that we Subs have to deal with. I can identify with your comment about students smelling fear and circling like sharks -- you actually made me LOL! I look forward to reading more on your blog. Have a nice day!