Sub Bag Ready!

As I see others post their classroom pictures and their back to school finds and purchases, I always get a little envious. Good thing I can go to my friend's class and help her set up! But then I think about the meetings, trainings, lesson plans, and then I feel better lol.

So what do subs do to get ready for the next school year?  Well first I have to sign the waiver that I want to come back to the school district (if they send it to you that is). Then one of my two districts requires that have I training. We used to have to go in for an afternoon of training, but it's all gone digital now. I get to be in my pjs and in bed while on my laptop!

I have to do AED training, Sexual Harassment, Hazard Communications, Drug Free Workplace, Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting, and Bloodborne Pathogens.  Some are pdfs and some are videos or powerpoints.  I have to fill out an assurance of completion for all of them and drop them off at the district office and then my online sub system clears me and I'm good to go. I try to do this ASAP because one year I subbed the first day of school. So you never know!

I also went through and cleaned out my sub bag and restocked it. New stickers, new time fillers, and took out seasonal stuff. I was still carrying things around from October last year!  I added some of own sub plan stuff into and a few pages from my reading activities pack.

I'm super excited about using these this year! Love my reading activities! Plus I just got the sweetest feedback on them!

I still need to go add a picture book to my bag, something new, because I'm tired of the ones I read last year over and over, but the kids liked them!

And I added my Draw Write Now book that I just got from Barker Creek!

My sub bag is ready to rock woohoo!

New shoes and new clothes are also ready to go in my closet, but I still need some new clothes.

School doesn't start until after Labor Day, but now I don't have to worry over preparing so much, since it's mostly done!

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  1. ...good girl! And knowing you, you have a sassy bag to put it all in! Here's to another great year!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. Love this blog! I'm just starting my subbing journey and was looking for information on what I should bring, if anything. Thanks!!


Thanks for leaving me happy notes!

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