
It's that time again already?!?!? I'm linking up with Farley for her

Listening: To the Hawaiian CD my parents brought me back a few years ago when they went to Maui. I love Hawaiian music! When I was in Oahu, that's what we listened to. My parents are going to Kauai for Spring Break, lucky ducks, so hopefully they'll bring me back more!

Loving: I bought several new tops and they are so pretty! And all on sale :)

Thinking: Why on Earth did I volunteer to be on the committee again for Relay? It's a lot of work! But for a good cause.

Wanting: More time. For Relay. Sleep. TpT stuff. A life! Lol.

Needing: A vacation! Anywhere! I need me time.

I like chocolate (especially from Germany). But I do love my friends more. They're always there for me! And I hate liars. Lies just wreck everything. And can destroy friendships...

EDIT: Apparently I didn't read all the way through (I'm not quite awake yet!) and the Like/love/hate has to be with the last name hahaha! Ok so my new words:

Like: Tigers
Love: Teaching
Hate: Tattle-tales

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  1. Wow, your mentioning of Hawaii makes me really want to plan to go again. It was a magical vacation a few years back, but super expensive! Great to meet you thru Farley's linky! Visit me when you can!

  2. I love the relay for life! I did it a few years back after my mom and a teacher at our school passed away. It's a lot of work but so awesome and emotional. Yeah, I could use a vacation right about now but spring break is acomin' yay!!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  3. I NEED a vacation too! Waiting on Spring break and hoping to head to the beach.
    I like your first LIKE & HATE, except Chocolate would be my LOVE. If my name had started with L, liars would have been on my list too!


Thanks for leaving me happy notes!

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