Happy Sunday! I swear this weekend went by so fast! Although yesterday I spent most of it finishing up some products, starting a new product, and transferring files over to Dropbox after several of my buddies have had file scares. Like their external hard drives die on them and their flash drives corrupt!
I'm already working on a Christmas product. I think this one will be a ton of fun! And I'm also part of Little Lovely Leaders 500 follower giveaway, so go enter! You have a chance to win any one item from my store and amazing prizes from 31 other people!
I also finished up my product swap post for Saturday. I swapped TpT products with another blogger buddy. You won't want to miss that either!
My life right now is going to be consumed with the auction. It's in 2 weeks! It's a Hawaiian themed auction. We have 3 silent tables and they are named Maui, Kauai, and Oahu. Each table will have their own color and theme: yellow, teal, and pink (actually Cha cha). And the dining room will be "under the ocean".
Each table will have 3 glass votive holders filled with sand and a candle. And then either shells or a lei around them. I think that will be cute! And all of us volunteers/workers will be wearing a lei so you know that we work the auction.
I had one dress in mind that I wore my senior year in high school, but it doesn't quite fit yet. However, I did find another dress in the back of my closet that is Liz Claiborne and if fits perfect! I'll have to post pics later!
Oh here's my latest creation:

I'm already working on a Christmas product. I think this one will be a ton of fun! And I'm also part of Little Lovely Leaders 500 follower giveaway, so go enter! You have a chance to win any one item from my store and amazing prizes from 31 other people!
I also finished up my product swap post for Saturday. I swapped TpT products with another blogger buddy. You won't want to miss that either!
My life right now is going to be consumed with the auction. It's in 2 weeks! It's a Hawaiian themed auction. We have 3 silent tables and they are named Maui, Kauai, and Oahu. Each table will have their own color and theme: yellow, teal, and pink (actually Cha cha). And the dining room will be "under the ocean".
Each table will have 3 glass votive holders filled with sand and a candle. And then either shells or a lei around them. I think that will be cute! And all of us volunteers/workers will be wearing a lei so you know that we work the auction.
I had one dress in mind that I wore my senior year in high school, but it doesn't quite fit yet. However, I did find another dress in the back of my closet that is Liz Claiborne and if fits perfect! I'll have to post pics later!
Oh here's my latest creation:
It's at my TpT store and my TN store for just $3 and it's 28 pages of posters, wrtiting, and a book. I even wrote a poem about pumpkins!