Friday Freebie: Round the Clock Labels!

Hey bloggers! Time for a Friday Freebie. I think I'm going to try doing more of these again, at least once a month.

The fun thing with back to school and me subbing again, a few of my teacher friends are requesting things from me. In fact, I subbed yesterday and it was the second day of school! It went well, even with less than substantial plans...basically I had assessments and about an hour of nothing but I rocked it out!

Anyway, one of my friends wanted to spruce up her room and clock, so I made these round the clock labels.

This set comes with 3 different styled labels. I personally love the bright pop of the neon clocks!

You can find these at my TpT store: Clock Labels . Happy Friday and weekend!


Monday Made It: Jumbo Paper Clip Bookmarks

Ever since I saw pics floating around on Pinterest from the blog Altered to Perfection of these clip bookmarks, I knew I wanted to make them!

What you need:
  • Ribbon
  • Jumbo paper clips
  • Scissors
That's it! I got my clips at Michael's. 

My Jumbo clips in green, purple, pink, and blue.

Picked out some coordinating ribbon.

The purple and green clips have three ribbons. They'll be gifts for two of my teacher gal pals I'll see tomorrow.

The blue and pink clips have only two ribbons on them, but I love them like that! 
They turned out soooo cute!


Hello! My Name Is...

Ms. T! Ok I'm being silly! But I just finished up a pack last night perfect for BTS or open house.

Students have a t-shirt with a name tag and write their name and design their shirt. You could even have the kids draw things on their shirt that symbolizes their likes and interests. I also included heads that would be cute too or you could just do the shirts.

My pack comes with 5 writing templates, 3 t-shirts with name tags, and 2 heads.

See, cute with a head (you just have to add construction paper arms yourself) or the shirt. And don't you love that name tag writing template? I love it!

It's only $3 at my store.

And I've been so good at trying to share ideas and push my products, but I think this is just too cute. I promise tomorrow will be my Monday Made It, no products!

I'll give away 2 of these to the first two comments with e-mails. Thanks!


My Other "Job"

So I have another 'job'. I quote it because 3/4 of the time I work at the kiddos club, it's volunteer and this summer Saturday Market is really the only time I get paid. I love the kid's club and the market.

Today was a beautiful day!

Took this from my front door before I left for work. I love that as they got closer, I could hear them!

I'm at one end and vendors go all the way down. We're smaller this year than last, but mighty!

My booth set up. Yes, I blurred out the name. I'm still on the down low :)

I love chatting with people and sending them out to the store for their supplies. I'm a people person, what can I say? 

And of course I'm loving my other job, TN and TpT. I've met so many wonderful people! I can't wait until I see more pics with my stuff being used in it :)

So on Thursday, when I helped my buddy in her kinder class, her and another teacher were telling me what they would buy in my store hahaha. One thing that came up is the need for Spanish stuff. I already have Spanish numbers, so I decided on Spanish colors too! 

I'm in love with this!!!

From the number set

I'm working on Spanish supply labels and possibly converting some of my packets over to Spanish. 

The first 3 people to leave a comment with an e-mail can choose either the numbers or the colors!

Thanks to my  first 3 commenters :) Hope you enjoy the little treat!


Volunteer To Set Up, Say What?

Silly me, I offered to help my friend set up her classroom yesterday. She totally put me to work! And we had a lot of laughs and fun and now her room is pretty much ready to go for Monday. She was trying not to go in today and when I left after 6 and 1/2 hours, her room only had a few more things to do. I got her copies ready for next week (she's a kinder teacher) and her next door neighbor who is also my buddy.

I had so much fun doing her 3 bulletin boards. One just needed a frame. The main one in her room is where her students' names will be in a basket of apples under a tree with some playful creatures.

Her outside bulletin board is a blue sky and hills background. A school is on the hill with a big bus and kids going to it. We did a 3-D tree and clouds and flowers. She's going to put apples with kid's names too.

Speaking of the apples, they were laminated and she wrote in Sharpie on them. She told me she was going to have to buy a magic eraser and I told her nope! I grabbed  a dry erase marker and wrote over the names and then erased. Tada! My friend was soooo excited lol. She told me she will use this forever.

I also got her homework folders done and her writing folders for 26 of  her kinders.

I'm kicking myself in the pants for only snapping one picture and it's not even the final lol. But maybe I'll remember to take a pic when I'm working at her school next week on the second day of school!
It says "Bienenvidos" on top because she's a dual language teacher. This pic is before the clouds, flowers, and road!

And for your viewing pleasure and my amusement, here's DJ Meow Meow. DJ Whiskers.
Aww  Checkers, I do love you, my furball!


Expo Reminder...Hurry Before It Is Too Late!

Just a have until tomorrow to sign up 1/2 price for the expo!!!

I'm pleased to announce that I am a vendor for the expo. I will have a booth in the vendor hall, where I will be offering three of my products from my Teacher's Notebook shop at a discounted price to attendees.

The vendor hall (and the discounted items) will only remain open to attendees who visit Aug. 25 - Sep. 1.

And I'm supplying to the goody bag that you get when you attend the Expo.

What's the Expo you ask? The Virtual Teaching Expo is a place to connect teachers from all over the world  and learn from a virtual education community. he events are presented by Teachers Notebook and Teaching Blog Addict. I've attended an expo in the past and LOVED it. 

Click the pic for more info!


Fashion Tuesday

This is a first for me...talking about fashion! Maybe it's all the back to school ads and stuff but there are cute things out there :)

I got my first pair of Toms! I loooooove them too!

They're comfy! Love these black Toms.

I also went to my nearest Bass Outlet store (at the Outlet mall) and scored some comfy shoes too. They've got a slight heel but are cushioned inside. Plus I love slip ons.
They were on sale, 50% off!

For clothes? I hit up Old Navy (not at my outlets), Dress Barn, and a few other stores. I got a pair of slacks and some shirts. I still want a few more things though!

I got this nice white jacket from Eddie Bauer. Picture doesn't do it justice. Got it on the clearance rack for $14!

 Scored this from Dress Barn. Can't remember how much though.
I love the pattern and shape!

Then I have to have accessories! I love earrings. I've got a massive collection lol. And I'm getting into bracelets right now (now that my wrists are thinner!) and necklaces too!

I'm in love with this jewelry from Shabby Apple! This is called Anubis.
They have a ton of cute clothes and other things too!


Quick Time Fillers

Remember my Monday Made It with the Crystal Light containers and duct tape?

Love the bright chevron!

Well my intention with it was to put sticks in it that had time fillers for when I had 5 minutes or less to fill up.

Bought some jumbo sticks. They had them at my Dollar Tree. So far this project is cheap!

I wrote down some fun games on the sticks.
  • Spelling bee: Go from desk to desk and have them spell. Or do boys vs. girls
  • Pictionary: Draw on the board and have the kiddos guess what it is. I try to relate it to what they're studying at the moment.
  • I spy: Pick an object in the room and they guess what it is.
  • 4 corners: One person is 'it' and they close their eyes. The other kiddos go to the corners in the room. It person calls out a number 1-4 and if kids are in that corner, they are out.
  • Heads up 7 up: 4-5 kiddos are 'it'. The rest put down heads and thumbs up. If their thumb gets touched, they tuck it in. Call out "Heads up 7 up!" and if they were touched, stand up and guess who touched them.
  • Telephone: Say a phrase or word and have it pass person to person.
  • Hangman (or word man without noose lol): Kids guess what word. Again, I try to relate to topic/theme.
  • High/low: Math game...I wrote a post for it.
  • Who's the Judge: Person has back turned to class. One at a time the kids come up and talk in a funny voice and the 'judge' has to guess who it is.
  • 20 questions: The 'it' person has an item/object in mind and the class has 20 questions to get it.
  • Silent ball: Students sit on desks or in circle and toss the ball. Good for non verbal communication!
  • Around the world: Multiplication facts or any subject really. 
  • The silent game: This is to see who can stay silent the longest.

Hope this gave you some ideas for those short moments that you need a time filler. The kids I sub for really have fun with these.  These could be brain breaks too! 


TN Back to School Expo

I know a lot of you are back or headed back real soon! I'm a vendor for the Teachers Notebook Back to School Expo and a few of my items are on sale!

What's the Expo you ask? The Virtual Teaching Expo is a place to connect teachers from all over the world  and learn from a virtual education community. he events are presented by Teachers Notebook and Teaching Blog Addict. I've attended an expo in the past and LOVED it. 

Click the pic for more info!

I'm pleased to announce that I am a vendor for the expo. I will have a booth in the vendor hall, where I will be offering three of my products from my Teacher's Notebook shop at a discounted price to attendees.

The vendor hall (and the discounted items) will only remain open to attendees who visit Aug. 25 - Sep. 1.


5 Tips To Get Ready For The School Year

Well, I just got my first substitute request, for a week in October at my favorite school. So knowing that the requests and jobs are coming in already, I need to be prepared when school starts in a few weeks.

Graphics: The 3 AM Teacher and KPM Doodles

Here are 5 tips for being ready for school:

1) Have your teacher bag ready to go. Mine is stocked up on stickers and loaded with my favorite go-to emergency activities. I've got some new read-alouds tucked in and my container with fill-in the time activities. Regular teachers will have their laptops and grading stuff. I even have my little pencil bag with essentials like band-aid, lip balm, etc.

2) Get my lunch bag ready the night before. That way I don't have to rush the next morning. If you don't bring your lunch, maybe you get your breakfast ready for the morning like your bowl and spoon and packet of oatmeal ready.

3) Start going to bed earlier. The alarm buzzing (or in my case, singing) in the morning will come all to early. Going to bed earlier insures I have enough sleep. And us teachers need our beauty sleep!

4) Lay out clothes the night before. I did this last year and it saved my hiney in the morning from scrambling through my closet. I saw on another blog where she has her clothes on the hanger, with jewelry attached. That's organized!

5) Put a smile on your face! Start the day off optimistic and your day will be better. Students smile when you smile and it can instantly change the mood :)

 Whether it's the night before school starts, a few weeks before, or during the school week, it's helpful to be prepared.What are your tips for being ready for school?

E-mail Organization Tip

Just a quick post today, but it's an informational one. I don't know about you but I get a ton of e-mails every day! They're coming from comments on blog posts, pinterest alerts, giveaways I'm helping in, sold product e-mails, Groupon , food websites I'm subscribed to, etc. It's really bad even if I'm gone for a day, I could have 40+!

So I used to just open and read or delete. But then my inbox had 100+ e-mails and if I was looking for a specific one, even using the search feature didn't help. And then I decided to do the one touch rule. And now I have 0 in my inbox. For real!
See? Inbox at 0!

The one touch rule you may ask? Yes, one touch. Well maybe it's two, because you have to click to let's say the one touch rule after opening an e-mail :)

Once I open an e-mail, I do one of two things. It either 1) Gets deleted or 2) Gets put in a folder. Simple as that. Do I have a ton of folders? I have several but they're organized. I've got one for banking, my blog, giveaways, TBA, TN, TpT, recipes, etc. And now it's so easy to find what I need!

Sometimes I do slack, but I try not to have more than 20 in my inbox because then things will get lost.

Am I weird for doing this? Or do you do this too?


Guest Blogging

One of the best things about blogging is all the new friends I make! I feel like I really 'know' some of you now and do consider you friends.  A fun way to make new friends is guest blogging.

So today I'm here, but I'm guest blogging for Shuna over at Pocket Full of Kinders. I may have even brought a goody over with me :) Come stop on by and leave me some lovin'!

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