Friday Freebie: Dr. You-know-who's Mini-Unit

Haha! So there BLOPS (blog cops)! No bloggy jail for me! I didn't say the dude's name in my title :) I feel like saying the-doctor-who-shall-not-be-named name. Yay!

Before I get to the freebie, let me tell you that I am so thankful I subbed only a 1/2 day this morning. The two kinder classes I subbed for were WILD. Like picture animals from a zoo trapped in a classroom. There was barking like a seal(as in kid with a very bad cough), myna birds (teacher, he did this, she did that tattling), and snarling lions (both me and the kids). I mean come on, when I blow the whistle at recess, it means line up. Not 'let's go play more and oh, Ms. T is coming, so let's go up the slide'. Ms. T was not happy this morning. And I have them on Monday *sigh*. On the bright side, I got my paycheck today, woohoo!

Ok freebie time.

Click the pic for your link!



  1. HAHA :) I love the name BLOPS...I do feel they have been out like crazy lately about he who shall not be named items! Thanks for the fab freebies :) Have a nice weekend!

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

    1. I feel like we are all watching our backs, just in case lol.

      You are welcome! Have a great weekend too!

  2. This made me giggle! Have a great weekend and thank you for the mini-unit.


    1. Lol I think the whole He-who-shall-not-be-named is a big laugh :) I almost named the title Mr. Meow Meow but then changed it lol :) Have a great weekend too!

  3. Let's call him Dr. Shoosh.
    Although, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is pretty good too.
    Buzzing with Ms. B

    1. Ha! That's a good one :) I like Dr. Shoosh. Because we have to hush up about his name :)

  4. Or, "The Good Doctor," with a British accent.

  5. Dr. Shoosh is a good one! Too bad we have to walk on such silly egg-shells! thanks for your hard work and creative nature! I am glad I stumbled across your work! :)

    1. I know right? I wonder what Dr. Shoosh would think about all this silly business?

      I'm glad you found me too and stopped to say hi!


  6. Hi there,
    It's in the mail -- I hope you like it. I had fun making it for you. :o)
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After


Thanks for leaving me happy notes!

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