Holiday Books

Oh Kinder!
Kiddo: "Teacher?"
Me: "Yes?"
Kiddo: ****** throws up on the floor next to me********

And that's how my morning went. Also caught some little thieves filling their pockets with their teacher's stuff. And then I got told I was beautiful. I also was told that someone was killed with a pencil (stabbed) and my other funny tattle:

Kiddo: "We are never supposed to skip pages our first teacher said. And she absolutely did!"

And I digress lol. It's Christmas Week on TBA...YAY!!!!!!!

Today's topic is Holiday books.

Hmmm hard to narrow down....but I do love:

Anything by Jan Brett! But I do love Gingerbread Friends (and The Hat and The Mitten).

I love Llama I would of course love:

And who doesn't love David Shannon's books?



  1. Oh, I need to get Llama Llama Holiday Drama. I haven't read that one yet. Thanks for sharing!

  2. No problem! That's why it's great to have these kind of things, to see what everyone is reading/doing! Hehehe :)


Thanks for leaving me happy notes!

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