Substitute Preparedness: Reading Series!

Hey everyone!

Nothing like realizing on a Saturday evening that tomorrow is the first day of the month...meaning my monthly series! In my defense, my grandma's 80th birthday party, the end of the year, my subbing, and job hunting has kind of taken over my life the last few weeks.

Ok, enough about that, let's get on to the main attraction!

Sub Tip: This is the time to be applying for jobs!

Teacher Tip: Take a picture of your classroom before you pack up for the year. This way you'll know what it looks like for the next year, without having to remember!

Holidays and Events:

  • June 2: National Safety Month
  • June 14: Flag Day
  • June 15: Father's Day
  • June 21: First Day of Summer
  • July 1: Canada Day
  • July 4: Fourth of July

So I'm 99% sure my dice roll series is done. Then I was thinking, what next? And it hit me... a reading series!

Click here to grab it!


  1. You are so smart to always be prepared! When I subbed 10 years ago, I never had anything with me! LOL!
    Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade

    Mrs. Wheeler's TPT


Thanks for leaving me happy notes!

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